Thursday, April 11, 2013

Lots Checked of My Bucket List

Lots has happened and I have been through a lot. I don't necessarily regret all of it, since now it's things that are checked of my bucket list! :P
I tried to move out of my apartment because there are bugs and my roommate doesn't really take care of herself or her belongings. I've found so many spoiled milk..YUCK! So I went on Craigslist and I found a woman in her 30's that had a room in her apartment. I went and visited and I was so excited I had found a place that was in a safe and nice place in Brooklyn, near a Target and Applebees. I told my current apartment that I would be moving out soon. I had the keys to the new apartment, I paid a deposit, and was ready to move in. I wanted to move in before the 1st of March, but the lady told me that the landlord said I couldn't move in before the 1st of the month.
So I was going to have to reschedule and work around my work schedule and she said that was fine and won't be a problem. I got a call a few days later at 4pm saying I had to be moved in by 8pm. This wasn't the biggest problem, I could have managed, it was just a lot of stress. So I was preparing all my things and then I got a phone call saying that I can't move in anymore. Apparently the lady was fighting with the landlord all day and he had expected me to move in the 1st and since I did not he saw me as unreliable and it was too much of a problem for such a good price.
So I had no where to live for a bit, but got back into my old apartment with the bugs.

On a different note, I'm doing well! Auditioning and working takes up a lot of my time. I am just trying to get a new job that I can get more hours with. I appreciate your prayers for all that I am doing and have been through.

I love you all and appreciate your support!