Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Wonderful day today! I am loving my newest job at Verizon, though training is stupid because I don't gain commission yet. I just can't wait for the next few weeks to be up so I will be able to be making commission on top of my hourly wages. I absolutely LOVE the sales industry and customer service is totally my calling, well besides acting in L.A.

The plan is to save up a few thousands to set a good cushion up for making a new life in LA. With my income added to my boyfriends, we can pay bills while saving a paycheck and a half each week!

So on another
Did you know that Leonardo DiCaprio has NEVER gotten an Oscar?! Well, I truly hope that this is his year. The Wolf of Wall Street was a wonderful film directed beautifully by Martin Scorsese, however if you aren't into the raunchy life of rich druggies, this movie wouldn't be for you. But from the eyes of an actress and someone who loves film? Golden. Hopefully a GOLD OSCAR for both Leo and Martin. 
There are some good films also in the running. 12 Years A Slave is getting a lot of attention and talk on the social media spectrum. Just because it's gritty, heartfelt, and reflects may beat The Wolf Of Wall Street by a hair. Speaking of hair, American Hustle has nominees as well; Jennifer Lawrence (shocked, right?) and Amy Adams. Both truly showed a different side of these women, which I'm always completely for. Chameleon looks good on anybody, kinda  punny right? Ok not really. 

Off to do my last minute Oscar - homework!      xx

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Blogger Revival

Being that is has almost been a year since I've posted, I assume that I have lost most, if not all of the very few people who knew about my blog. But honestly, how could I be upset? In fact, I am now deciding to start up my blog again for the reason that I need a vice, somewhere I can vent and share my inner most thoughts and struggles and excitement. Like an online diary. Now, of course nothing too personal is going on here no names or anything, but this is going to be more like my release. Aaahhh...

So here is my disclaimer... I may swear when I'm angry. I may talk about a single subject way too long. I may even offend, but its not to be disrespectful or harmful it is to get it off my chest and out there in the open. Literally in the wide world web. Stupid idea? Why not use a journal bought from a dollar store? Simple. My hand cramps up. lol no, but I suppose I am just moving with the times.

I like writing/typing but before I felt I wasn't crafty enough to have a blog. You see all these wonderful blogs of Do-It-Yourselfs and music blogs that are followed by thousands of people. Well, I'm not expecting that to come from my blogging. sure, I may feel crafty one day, or even gutsy to post a video of me singing or doing a monologue, but more than anything I want to journal. To be sad, angry, happy, etc. To pray to God about my concerns. To grow in who I am suppose to be. Simple as that.