Sunday, December 30, 2012


Today, I realized that since I will be graduating college soon and starting to go out in the "real world" to would probably be wise if I delete my Facebook, twitter, etc.

My only concern was you guys! How are my closest friends and family going to be able to keep tabs on me, to see what trouble I'm getting into, and most importantly what I need prayers for. I realized that I hardly ever went on Facebook in the first place and when I did I really didn't post my inner thoughts. Because, no, I don't want the absolute whole world knowing them. So...

 CONGRATS! You've been selected as the few I'd like to share my life with! ;P

Obviously, in life we can't completely trust everyone...even though I'd like to think we could. So I do not want you telling many others about what is posted on here unless I say it's ok. I know it may sound silly now, but I really don't want reporters years from now finding out stories of me when I was in my late teens- early twenties and how I vented about a teacher or passed gas in church.


I will be posting on here often. Telling you all my crazy stories or my hard lessons that God is trying to teach me and what I need prayers for. :)
I want to thank you all for your support and prayers thus far, because they really have meant the world to me and have helped more than you know.

1 comment:

  1. I will always be praying for you, Al! I love you! xoxo
