Sunday, December 30, 2012

Oohh Myy Wooord...

Looking at my username, or what have you, may have you a bit confused. ShirleyLucyMonroe? Say Whaa?
Well, before you judge and try to figure it out, let me explain.
These three incredibly famous women influenced my life extremely.

When I was practically a baby, I was CONVINCED I was Shirley Temple.
Like, I'm telling you, that WAS ME!!!
Then when I got a bit older, I watched I Love Lucy with Lucille Ball all the time. Remember her with her new TV commercial! HA!
I want to be the modern day version of this woman!
Then in my teen years I really liked Marilyn Monroe, yes I know she's like a sex icon, but honestly I look at her for more than that. She had a hard life and overcame a lot. Plus she has many wonderful quotes. :)
"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring."
Now you understand! See? There is always a method to my madness! Madness is genius! See!!!  Haha! 
 "Keep smiling, because life's a beautiful thing, there is so much to smile about."

1 comment:

  1. You are a silly girl!!! ;p I do remember you trying to convince me that you were Shirley Temple when you would watch her movies when you were a toddler. And I remember watching "I Love Lucy" with you many times when you were a girl. Funny about Marilyn, cause when I was your age, I was also interested in her, her movies and her life story. :)
